Shree Sambhav Nath
3rd Jain Tirthankar
Shravasti King Jitari and Queen Senadevi gave birth to Sambhavnath. When the child started growing in the mother’s womb, the kingdom started the feeling the signs of richness. Due to surplus rainfall, crops started growing thick, and the vegetation was flourishing across the nation. Everyone believed that Sambhav as the reason behind all positive happenings.
When an individual attains a dignified state due to his rigorous penance and spiritual practice becomes a Tirthankara. They purify their soul in different lifetimes, and due to all their atonement, they take birth as a Tirthankara. Their very purpose of existence is to help the mankind to attain peace from all struggles. They preach people to come across the sea of troubles in their married life and offer them salvation.
Jainism beliefs state that the time cycle which is otherwise called a Kalachakra does not have a finite period. Utsarpini and Avsarpini are the two division of time. Utsarpini, the period during which, progressions happen in every walk of life. In simple words, the humanity moves from the bad to the best. This is going on regarding religion, ethics, health and all other aspects of life. But the Avsarpini period undergoes a downward movement from the best to the worst period.
Aras divides every Utsarpini and Avsarpini into six different periods. Avsarpini’s phase’s Fifth Ara is currently going on. 19000 years left out to move to the next Ara. The sixth phase will begin and end after 21000 years roughly. Then Utsarpini first phase will start and goes on in a circle. Thus there are supposed to be many sets of 24 Tirthankaras. One for every half of the time cycle and this will continue.
Birth and Childhood of Sambhavnath
King Vipulvahan ruled Kshempuri located in the Airavat area of Mahavideh. He ruled for many years after the Nirvana of Bhagavan Ajitnath. He took a good care of his people with concern and affection.Once there was a drought in the kingdom, and people began to starve. King Vipulvahan gave access to his granaries and supplied water and food to people. He also used all his resources to purchase food. He fed all the ascetics and monks from his kitchen. Everyone was given food, and he ordered his soldiers to make sure that no one starved. He ensured that no one went with hunger from his kingdom. In the meantime, he did not care about his hunger and health.
This compassionate act of King Vipulvahan uplifted him to the highest level of sacred purity. He started getting detached from the materialistic life due to the impact of the drought. He felt sad at first when he saw people suffering for food and water. Even after serving all the food to people his mind was throbbing with pain. Slowly he handed over the rule to his son and attained ascetics under the guidance of Svayamprabh Suri. Later he practiced rigorous penance and left the world after many years.
Yes, King Vipulvahan came to this world as the third Tirthankara Sambhavnath in his next birth. Such realized souls always carry good deed in all their births.
Shravasti King Jitari and Queen Senadevi gave birth to Sambhavnath. When the child started growing in the mother’s womb, the kingdom started the feeling the signs of richness. Due to surplus rainfall, crops started growing thick, and the vegetation was flourishing across the nation. Everyone believed that Sambhav as the reason behind all positive happenings.
The queen delivered a boy baby and was named as Sambhav Kumar. Sambhav means “Source of Bliss.” Since his inception in his mother’s womb, everything started booming. His birth made even the impossible to happen. Waste lands turned into crop fields. His birth took place in “Sukla Paksham” (the period between the New moon and Full moon) on the fourteenth day of the Margashirsh month. Right from his childhood, he expressed a complete apathy towards material comforts. He did not get carried away by the richness and prosperity. He got married soon after he grew as an adult.
Finally, the King Jitari gave the responsibility of ruling the kingdom to Sambhav Kumar. Sambhav ruled the country with compassion and concern. He took care of his people. He kept people as his top most priority. He gave all the richness to all the public. He always remained detached from the material comforts.
Sambhavnath – Ascetic Life
During his kingship, he continued to lead an honest life. One day he was deeply engrossed in meditation, and his previous birth flashed his thoughts. That made him to decide to attain Diksha.On the fifteenth day of the Sukla Paksham of the Margashrish month, he gave up the Kingship and obtained asceticism. Then he started practicing sincere penance. He practiced atonement for fourteen long years and at last achieved Nirvana. He began his journey of preaching Jainism. He gave many speeches to the people about the existence of human being. He explained the transient nature of life. He taught about the truth of life and gave ways to attain peace. He finally educated people about the purpose behind the existence and gave them ways to attain salvation.
He put in all his efforts to spread Jain philosophy across the world. People also followed his path of renunciation. During the Sukla Paksham on the fifth day the Chaitra month he got liberation. Yes, upon practicing spiritual penance for fourteen long years, he achieved Nirvana.Final Instants
Arhant Sambhavnath’s first spiritual speech was on the transient nature of the everyday existence. He focused on spreading Jainism. He taught simplicity to people. He attained Nirvana at Sammed Shikharji.Conclusion
Bhagavan Sambhavnath repeatedly said that each soul has the capability to connect with God. Every soul has that power of realizing God. One must win over all the inner impure qualities including anger, lust, pride, jealousy, etc. One must continuously work towards cleansing oneself both physically and morally. Working towards peace and wisdom must come as the first thing in every mankind.Once every one practice to work towards this goal, it becomes easy to connect with God. His preaching gave salvation to many who followed him sincerely.
Blessed and God realized souls like Sambhavnathji came to this world to purify mankind. With their enormous patience and perseverance, they uplifted humanity and brought love and peace among people. They united the world
Father: | Jitari |
Mother: | Sena |
Dynasty: | Ikshvaku |
Birth: | Sravasti |
Nirvana: | Sammed Shikhar |
Colour: | Golden |
Symbol: | Horse |
Height: | 400 dhanusha (1200 meters) |
Age: | 6,000,000 purva (423.36 Quintillion Years) |
Yaksha: | Trimukh |
Yaksini: | Duritari |