
The circle of the nakshatras is one of the earliest elements found in Vedic astrology. Because the Moon returns to the same stars every 27 days, the ancient Jyotishis divided the sky into 27 sections and gave each a name. Initially, the nakshatras were used primarily for muhurta, the practice of choosing the best time to initiate an action, such as getting married, starting a war, building a house, and so on. Over time, the nakshatra placement of the Moon became the core element in the calculation of many dasa systems, and was also used to indicate the major life themes in a natal chart.
The placement of both planets and the Lagna in nakshatras reveals pervasive patterns in an individual’s life. Because they occupy even smaller spans of the sky than the signs, the nakshatras indicate what is at the core of each individual.
Part One: Which nakshatras are important?
Of primary importance in a person’s life are the nakshatras of the Ascendant and Ascendant lord (Lagna and Lagnesa). The nakshatras occupied by the Moon and the Sun are also significant.
Historically, the nakshatra of the Moon has been given primary emphasis in Jyotish simply because natives of Indian/Vedic culture were given birth names using the letters corresponding with their lunar nakshatra. While one’s Ascendant might not be known, his Moon’s nakshatra was evident.
The nakshatras of the other planets are of lesser importance, but if several planets occupy the same nakshatra, then its themes become more salient. The nakshatra of the current dasa lord can indicate the prevailing life themes.
Finally, the nakshatra occupied by Saturn often indicates where major karma resides.
Part Two: The importance of placement
A planet’s placement affects its nakshatra’s expression. A positive placement elicits the good themes that a nakshatra represents, and a negative placement elicits the challenging themes that a nakshatra represents. The importance of this principle cannot be overstated.
The four elements of placement are:
1. Strength. Strong planets (vargottama, own sign, exalted, dig bala, retrograde, and bright Moon) are well-placed, and weak planets (debilitated, in planetary war, combust, and dark Moon) are poorly placed.
2. House occupation and rulership. Planets in or ruling bad houses (6, 8, 12) are poorly placed. Planets in or ruling good houses (1, 5, 9 and 1, 4, 7, 10) or neutral houses (2, 11) are well-placed. (House 3 occupation or rulership is a mildly poor placement.)
3. Influence of other planets. Planets with or aspected by benefics (Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and sometimes Mercury) have much better placement than planets with or aspected by malefics (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and sometimes the Sun).
4. Yogas. Planets participating in positive yogas are very well-placed, and in negative yogas very poorly placed.
In the chart of Arnold Schwarzenegger below, for example, Mercury has as positive a placement as possible. It is strong (own sign and dig bala), occupies and rules good houses, only aspected by
benefics (Jupiter and the bright Moon), and participates in many positive yogas (including Chamara, Dhana, and Bhadra Maha Purusha).
Mercury occupies Punarvasu, and its great placement will bring out the best themes of that nakshatra. It is no accident that in the 1994 movie Junior, Mr. Schwarzenegger was chosen to portray the first man to ever give birth to a baby. Punarvasu represents the ultimate mother, the one who cares deeply for and cuddles and nurtures her children. (Pushya, on the other hand, is the mother who lays down the law, and teaches her children ethics.)
Punarvasu also represents protectors, and in many movie roles (e.g. Kindergarten Cop and Twins), Arnold plays the part of the protector. One of the most common meanings of Punarvasu is repetition, and how many reps does a body builder have to do to develop muscles like his?
Negative placement occurs when a planet is influenced by malefics, occupies and rules bad houses, participates in no yogas (or only challenging ones), and is weak. (Note: when a natural malefic occupies a specific nakshatra, it also can bring out the more difficult sides of that nakshatra.)
Bob Dylan’s chart serves as an example of a poorly placed planet in a nakshatra. The 9th lord Moon is dark and waning in the 6th house very close to a debilitated Saturn, and receives no aspects by benefics. Shortly after the onset of the Moon dasa (at age 5), Dylan’s father was stricken with polio and Bob’s entire life was thrown into upheaval. The Moon occupies the
nakshatra Krittika, which reflects the crippling infection of his father, the disruption of Dylan’s life, and how traumatic it was for him.
Planetary placement dramatically alters the effects of a nakshatra. Those familiar with nakshatras understand that some nakshatras (including Ashlesa, Mula, and Ardra) generally carry negative connotations. Yet a person who has a well-placed planet in one of these three nakshatras will, in fact, generally manifest the positive themes and qualities of these nakshatras, and not the negative ones.
Part Three: Synergy between nakshatras
In the interpretation of a natal birth chart, one of the most effective ways to address nakshatra placements is to look at the shared meanings of the three major nakshatras (Lagna, Lagnesa, and Moon).
How does one find shared themes?
There are many ways. All nakshatras have their own symbols, but certain pairs (the Phalgunis –the marriage bed – and Bhadrapadas – the funeral pyre) share symbols and therefore the meanings of those symbols. Similarly, some nakshatras share deities.
All nakshatras have several attributes, such as activity (active, passive, or balanced), caste, direction, gender, nadi, nature, sexual type, qualities, species, tattvas, and so forth. When the main nakshatras share any of these attributes in common, they become very significant in an individual’s life. (Please review the table below to see the attributes of each nakshatra, and the section on nakshatra in Hart de Fouw’s book Light on Life for more information on the meaning of these attributes.)
Some astrologers assume that nakshatras ruled by the same planet also share themes as a result of their shared rulership. However, Hart de Fouw teaches that these lordships are different in each nakshatra dasa system, and therefore should not be used as thematic in understanding nakshatras.
Finally, and most importantly, each nakshatra has a set of themes and qualities that they represent, and when the major nakshatras in a chart share the same themes, those become central in the person’s life.

(The above table was the result of an intensive research project by the author.)
Part Four: Synergy between a planet and its nakshatra
Each planet has many qualities of its own, and when the nature of its nakshatra placement has the same attributes, these qualities are reinforced.
When a hot planet like Mars or Ketu is in one of the nakshatras signifying heat, for example, Purva Bhadrapada or Krittika, the intensity of the heat is amplified.
Similarly, the nakshatras Pushya and Ashlesa can indicate a person who is cold or formal, so Saturn in one of these would intensify the iciness and strictness.
Having a bright Moon in Punarvasu, on the other hand, ensures that the person will love babies and be incredibly nurturing.
Blending the nature of each planet (and all that it signifies) with the themes of the nakshatra in which it resides is a very effective way of ascertaining the confluent patterns in a person’s life.
The nakshatras add a very important dimension to the understanding of natal charts. One can use their meanings in prediction as well as in birth chart analysis. They can greatly enrich one’s astrology readings, and brilliantly illuminate major life patterns.
* Ashvini (अश्विनी)(Horse Woman)
o Western star name : β and γ Arietis
o Lord: Ketu (South lunar node)
o Symbol : Horse's head
o Deity : Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins who are physicians to the gods
o Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Mesha ; Western zodiac 26° Aries - 9°20' Taurus
* Bharani (भरणी)(Bearer of New Life)
o Western star name: 35, 39, and 41 Arietis
o Lord: Shukra (Venus)
o Symbol: Yoni, the female organ of reproduction
o Deity: Yama, god of death or Dharma
o Indian zodiac: 13° 20' - 26°40' Mesha ; Western zodiac 9° 20' - 22° 40' Taurus
* Krittika (कृत्तिका) (One Who Cuts)
o Western star name: Pleiades
o Lord: Ravi (Sun)
o Symbol: Knife or spear
o Deity : Agni, god of fire
o Indian zodiac: 26°40' Mesha - 10° Vrishabha ; Western zodiac 22° 40' Taurus - 6° Gemini
* Rohini (रोहिणी) (Red One)
o Western star name: Aldebaran
o Lord: Chandra (Moon)
o Symbol: Cart or chariot, temple, banyan tree
o Deity : Brahma or Prajapati, the Creator
o Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Vrishabha ; Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Gemini
* Mrigashīrsha (मृगशीर्षा)(Head of a Deer)
o Western star name: )λ, φ Orionis
o Lord: Mangala (Mars)
o Symbol: Deer's head
o Deity: Soma, Chandra, the Moon god
o Indian zodiac: 23° 20' Vrishabha - 6° 40' Mithuna ; Western zodiac: 19°20' Gemini - 2°40' Cancer
* Ardra (आर्द्रा)(Moist One))
o Western star name: Betelgeuse
o Lord: Rahu (North lunar node)
o Symbol: Teardrop, diamond, a human head
o Deity : Rudra, the storm god
o Indian zodiac: 6° 40' - 20° Mithuna ; Western zodiac: 2° 40' - 16° Cancer
* Punarvasu (पुनर्वसु) (Return of the Light)
o Western star name: Castor and Pollux
o Lord: Guru (Jupiter)
o Symbol : Bow and quiver
o Deity : Aditi, mother of the gods
o Indian zodiac: 20° Mithuna - 3°20' Karka ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Cancer
* Pushya (पुष्य) (Nourishing)
o Western star name: γ, δ and θ Cancri
o Lord: Shani (Saturn)
o Symbol : Cow's udder, lotus, arrow and circle
o Deity : Bṛhaspati, priest of the gods
o Indian zodiac: 3°20' -16°40' Karka ; Western zodiac 29°20' Cancer - 12°40' Leo
* Āshleshā (आश्रेषा)(The Embracer)
o Western star name: δ, ε, η, ρ, and σ Hydrae. This nakshatra is equivalent to the head of Hydra constellation, excluding ζ Hydrae, which is situated in the neck.
o Lord: Budh (Mercury)
o Symbol: Serpent
o Deity : Sarpas or Nagas, deified snakes
o Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Karka ; Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Leo
* Magha (मघा)(The Great One)
o Western star name:Regulus
o Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)
o Symbol : Royal Throne
o Deity : Pitrs, 'The Fathers', family ancestors
o Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Simha ; Western zodiac 26° Leo - 9°20' Virgo
* Pūrva Phalgunī (पूर्वफल्गुनी) (Former Reddish One)
o Western star name: δ and θ Leonis
o Lord: Shukra (Venus)
o Symbol : Front legs of bed, hammock, fig tree
o Deity : Bhaga, god of marital bliss and prosperity
o Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Simha ; Western zodiac 9°20' - 22°40' Virgo
* Uttara Phalgunī (उत्तरफल्गुनी) (Latter Reddish One)
o Western star name: Denebola
o Lord: Surya (Sun)
o Symbol: Four legs of bed, hammock
o Deity : Aryaman, god of patronage and favours
o Indian zodiac: 26°40' Simha- 10° Kanya ; Western zodiac 22°40' Virgo - 6° Libra
* Hasta (हस्त)(The Hand)
o Western star name: α, β, γ, δ and ε Corvi
o Lord: Chandra (Moon)
o Symbol: Hand or fist
o Deity : Saviti or Surya, the Sun god
o Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Kanya ; Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Libra
* Chitra (चित्रा) (Bright One)
o Western star name: Spica
o Lord: Mangala (Mars)
o Symbol: Bright jewel or pearl
o Deity : Tvastar or Vishvakarman, the celestial architect
o Indian zodiac: 23°20' Kanya - 6°40' Tula ; Western zodiac 19°20' Libra - 2°40' Scorpio
* Svātī (स्वाति) (Sword or Independence)
o Western star name: Arcturus
o Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)
o Symbol: Shoot of plant, coral
o Deity : Vayu, the Wind god
o Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Tula ; Western zodiac 2°40' - 16° Scorpio
* Vishakha (विशाखा) ( Fork Shaped)
o Western star name: α, β, γ and ι Librae
o Lord: Guru (Jupiter)
o Symbol : Triumphal arch, potter's wheel
o Deity : Indira, chief of the gods; Agni, god of Fire
o Indian zodiac: 20° Tula - 3°20' Vrishchika ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Scorpio
* Anuradha (अनूराधा)(Disciple of Divine Spark)
o Western star name: β, δ and π Scorpii
o Lord: Shani (Saturn)
o Symbol : Triumphal archway, lotus
o Deity : Mitra, one of Adityas of friendship and partnership
o Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Vrishchika ; Western zodiac 29°20' Scorpio - 12°40' Sagittarius
* Jyeshtha (ज्येष्ठा)(The Eldest)
o Western star name: α, σ, and τ Scorpii
o Lord: Budh (Mercury)
o Symbol : circular amulet, umbrella, earring
o Deity : Indra, chief of the gods
o Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Vrishchika ; Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Sagittarius
* Mula (मूल) (The Root)
o Western star name: ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, υ, μ and ν Scorpii
o Lord: Ketu (south lunar node)
o Symbol : Bunch of roots tied together, elephant goad
o Deity : Nirrti, god of dissolution and destruction
o Indian zodiac: 0° - 13°20' Dhanus ; Western zodiac 26° Sagittarius - 9°20' Capricorn
* Purva Ashadha (पूर्वाषाढा)(Early Victory or The Undefeated)
o Western star name: δ and ε Sagittarii
o Lord: Shukra (Venus)
o Symbol: Elephant tusk, fan, winnowing basket
o Deity : Apah, god of Water
o Indian zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Dhanus ; Western zodiac 9°20' - 22°40' Capricorn
* Uttara Ashadha (उत्तराषाढा) (Latter victory or Latter Undefeated)
o Western star name: ζ and σ Sagittarii
o Lord: Surya (Sun)
o Symbol : Elephant tusk, small bed
o Deity : Vishvedas, universal gods
o Indian zodiac: 26°40' Dhanus - 10° Makara ; Western zodiac 22°40' Capricorn - 6° Aquarius
* Shravana (श्रवण) (Hearing)
o Western star name: α, β and γ Aquilae
o Lord: Chandra (Moon)
o Symbol : Ear or Three Footprints
o Deity : Vishnu, preserver of universe
o Indian zodiac: 10° - 23°20' Makara ; Western zodiac 6° - 19°20' Aquarius
* Dhanishta (श्रविष्ठा) (Richest One)
o Western star name: α to δ Delphini
o Lord: Mangala (Mars)
o Symbol : Drum or flute
o Deity : Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance
o Indian zodiac: 23°20' Makara - 6°40' Kumbha ; Western zodiac 19°20' Aquarius - 2°40' Pisces
* Shatabhisha (शतभिषक्)(Hundred Healers)
o Western star name: γ Aquarii
o Lord: Rahu (north lunar node)
o Symbol : Empty circle, 1,000 flowers or stars
o Deity : Varuna, god of cosmic waters, sky and earth
o Indian zodiac: 6°40' - 20° Kumbha ; Western zodiac 2°40' - 16° Pisces
* Purva Bhadrapada (पूर्वभाद्रपदा/पूर्वप्रोष्ठपदा) (Former Happy Feet)
o Western star name: α and β Pegasi
o Lord: Guru (Jupiter)
o Symbol : Swords or two front legs of funeral cot, man with two faces
o Deity : Ajikapada, an ancient fire dragon
o Indian zodiac: 20° Kumbha - 3°20' Meena ; Western zodiac 16° - 29°20' Pisces
* Uttara Bhādrapadā (उत्तरभाद्रपदा/उत्तरप्रोष्ठपदा) (Latter Happy Feet)
o Western star name: γ Pegasi and α Andromedae
o Lord: Shani (Saturn)
o Symbol : Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water
o Deity : Ahir Budhyana, serpent or dragon of the deep
o Indian zodiac: 3°20' - 16°40' Meena ; Western zodiac 29°20' Pisces - 12°40' Aries
* Revati (रेवती)(The Wealthy)
o Western star name: ζ Piscium
o Lord: Budh (Mercury)
o Symbol : Fish or a pair of fish, drum
o Deity : Pushan, nourisher, the protective deity
o Indian zodiac: 16°40' - 30° Meena ; Western zodiac 12°40' - 26° Aries
There is an additional 28th intercalary nakshatra,
Abhijit (अभिजित)
(α, ε and ζ Lyrae - Vega - between Uttarasharha and Sravana). Its longitude starts from 06° 40' to 10° 53' 40 in sidereal Capricorn i.e. from the last quarter of Uttra Ashadha to first 1/15 th part of Shravana.
Its span is 4° 13' 40 (4.22777... degrees).
The span of 27 mean daily lunar motions totals 355.76167 degrees, and together these total 359.98945 degrees. Unless specifically mentioned it is not included in the list of the 27 constellations. It is held as an auspicious constellation in electional astrology. It is small (Laghu / Kshipra) in nature.
The lord of Abhijit is Brahma.